Lasting Solutions for Real Estate and Facilities - Relign
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More than a decade of industry-centric initiatives have focused Corporate Real Estate and Facilities (CRE&F) on best-practices in service and work environments. Your CRE&F organization has invested in any number of these initiatives and has likely been successful at some. Through these efforts your organization has :
  • Defined alternative workspace strategies and established standards
  • Mastered churn through the Moves, Adds, and Changes process
  • Partnered, out-sourced, out-tasked, and streamlined procurement
  • Developed high-quality project managers and project process
  • Competitively benchmarked your results
So why does it feel like it's still not working? Despite success in some areas, many CRE&F organizations still struggle to achieve recognition within their own corporations. They fall short of peer relationships with their business unit clients and co-suppliers, and as strategic resources for their senior management. These organizations fail to "engage" their corporate environment in a meaningful way, limiting both the relevance and value of their services. While both the needs and challenges faced by each of these organizations is unique, they share a remarkably similar set of characteristics:
  • Business unit managers feel that CRE&F still doesn't "get it "
  • Capital planning, based on "too little, too late" customer input is quickly obsolete
  • As a strategic organization they can't seem to " get ahead of the ball "
  • Planning and administrative processes are out of synch with corporate needs
  • Management does not or cannot use CRE&F's financial and other reporting
  • Corporate finance relies on its' own capital forecasts, not CRE&F's
  • Hard-won standards are misapplied, unused or undone
Just as cost is an incomplete measure of value, CRE&F best practices do not guarantee services aligned to the unique corporate environments in which they're required. Successful CRE&F organizations are able to leverage best practices to the advantage of their corporations, easily migrating evolving business requirements into management, plans, programs and projects; ensuring continued value to their corporations. Again, while the environments are unique, these effective, highly valued CRE&F organizations share a number of remarkably similar characteristics. These organizations;
  • Focus on the Owner, not the Customer - knowing what's important and when
  • Recognize that management of tactical & strategic issues can't be separated
  • Are process-based, but focused on ideas and outcomes, not the rules
  • Know how and when to manage issues up, rather than burying them below
  • Require peer to peer communication, not handoffs
  • Value functional responsibilities over individual skill sets
  • Link planning with corporate financial and administrative functions and calendars

Creating highly effective service organizations, relign offers its services to large corporations wishing to derive greater value from their real estate and facility organizations.


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